Monday, October 17, 2011

Tales from the Darkside

Remember this show? Tales from the Darkside? It was actually supposed to be a TV show based on the Creepshow movies but they could not get the naming rights. Its on the Chiller channel now. The chiller channel is more scary when one considers the average weight and cholesterol levels of the typical viewer. If I was Nabisco, I would make sure to get plenty of Mallomar adds on that channel right away. Middle aged stoners looking for a channel that plays bad syndicated TV shows from the 80's must love Mallomars.

Great intro on Tales from the Darkside though. I remember watching it after the Big Apple movie on Channel 5 on Sunday afternoons. At the time I preferred Fruit Rollups to Mallomars however. Maybe because my chronically cheap family would only buy the imitation ones with the foul cardboard cookie and the offputing texture marshmallow. They also used to buy the imitation fruit rollups with the bits of fruit in it. Unrolled they looked like the fake vomit you buy at dollar stores. I want my fruit rollups fully processed and with lots of chemicals. I'm American and depend on processed foods!

Here is a controversial subject. Are you one of these wackos that claims to be able to taste the difference between white and yellow American cheese? If so, F you! The only difference is yellow dye. Is your pallet so refined that you can taste yellow dye. If so, why are you not judging wine in France? At least then I would not have to be subject to your arrogant judgements of processed cheese. The nerve of some people!

1 comment:

  1. Chefs are taught that we first "taste" food with our eyes - it's why presentation is so important to them. If that's true, and I think it is, then there is good reason for people's preference of yellow american cheese over its less refined brethren.
